PayUsLess Retail Benefits Program

Automatically belong to our FREE PayUsLess Rewards Program:
✔ Earn cash-back of 3 – 40% on purchases of more than 300,000,000 products from more than 5,000
leading merchants. Same stores you’re shopping at today, just starting today you get more for your
money — CASH-BACK!
✔ Rewards from 1-40% additional discounts at most major retail stores and over 5,000 online merchants
✔ Online discounts automatically become Cash-Back payments with the PayUsLess Retail Benefits TOOLBAR
✔ Receive PayUsLess FREE loyalty coupons.
✔ FREE $10 Gift certificates to Starbucks®, Target® and more…
✔ Free entry into PayUsLess contests – receive prizes valued at $100’s.
Shop Online and Earn with PayUsLess Retail Benefits Program
✔ Take advantage of the PayUsLess Retail Benefits Program
✔ SHOP as you always do, collect ALL the discounts you can
✔ Then use our safe, easily downloadable program to earn additional Cash-Back on over 300 million products from over 5,000 merchants
✔ Same stores you’re shopping at today, just starting today you get more for your money – Cash-Back
✔ Download and use the PayUsLess Retail Benefits Shopping Assistant for your browser – it couldn’t be easier
PayUsLess Rewards and Loyalty programs provide additional savings at No Cost!
For Information call: 631-584-8065