Are Silver-Amalgam Fillings Safe?


Several factors influence the performance, durability, longevity and cost of dental restorations. These factors include: the patient’s oral and general health, the components used in the filling material; where and how the filling is placed; the chewing load that the tooth will have to...

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Will I feel tooth decay?

Tooth enamel has no nerve fibers? The bacteria normally found in your mouth turn sugar into acid. While acid is attacking tooth enamel, you can’t feel a thing. But once the acid has begun to create a cavity and attacks the dentin under the enamel, the nerve fibers begin to send out a message that […]

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How to avoid Nursing Bottle Syndrome!

Many babies and young children suffer from extensive tooth decay. A baby’s mouth, like yours and mine, is full of bacteria. These bacteria feed on sugars found in the liquids there. Many parents put their baby to sleep with a bottle to soothe and settle them down. Unfortunately the fluid (milk or juices) from the […]

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Health & Wellness: Maintaining a Happy Life!

This blog will be my best effort at providing information to assist you in maintaining your good health and the ability to make informed decisions.   Let’s start out on a lighter note…   Two doctors and an HMO manager are killed in a train wreck and line up at the Pearly Gates for admission to heaven. […]

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